Blueberry Cobbler Jar Candles 7 oz

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Jul 21, 2023
This customer purchased the item at our site.
This is my first ever candle purchase from Keystone Candle!

I Really love how this candle is put together! These people know what they're doing and I am going to be a future buyer! I am going to try the bigger candles that have this scent!

I am still keeping this a 5 star review, but be aware since paraffin wax is being used it will burn a lot faster and could potentially burn faster than the advertised burn time. Definitely going to be a big learning curve for me.

I highly recommend this company to other people interested and I will continue to make reviews on their products!

Advantages: - INSANELY Cheap
- Scent throws exceptionally well
- Smells amazing
- No sinkholes

Disadvantages: I've noticed since paraffin wax is being used, I think the burn time is more like 20-25 hours instead of 40-45. I've burned the candle for 8 hours total (4 hours on 7-19 and 4 hours on 7-20) and about 20-25% of the wax has already been used up. Understood that this is a small candle, but I've had other candles that were also 7 ounces that burned 2 times slower than this and yes I've kept the wick at 1/4 inch with precise measurement every time before it's lit.
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